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Our Story . . .

Our Mission . . .

Our Vision . . .

Hi, I’m Steven Jones

achievable professional success

As a certified executive and personal coach, I’m passionate about empowering leaders to maximize their personal and professional success. After overcoming various setbacks, I transformed my own mindset to live towards my maximum potential and to begin a career that encourages others to do the same. 

By being open, non-judgmental, and emotionally grounded, I create a safe and welcoming environment for growth and exploration. I strive to inspire creative conversations that foster leadership development, new insights, effective strategies and lasting success.

I founded Strategic Pulse, LLC for growing leaders because my personal journey revealed to me the power of leadership development and my abilities to create positive impact. 

It all starts at home

My mother served as my first teacher in the fundamentals of leadership. As a single parent in an inner-city neighborhood, my mother faced the challenge of combating the destructive influences that my older peers had on me. In her wisdom, she inspired me by teaching the importance of thinking independently, apart from the group, and the power of influencing others through example. She encouraged me repeatedly, 

“Be a leader, not a follower, even if it means leading from behind.”

These early lessons were critical in helping me grow and to ultimately overcome the many challenges that stood before me. My ability to adapt and transform setbacks into opportunities empowered me as a 9th-grade dropout on the streets of Philadelphia to become a graduate with a doctoral degree in neuroscience and now I seek to inspire others to maximize their potential.

What Neuroscience offers in coaching

Coaching allows me to apply my expertise as a neuroscientist in ways that align with my values and higher purpose. Knowing how the brain works deepens my understanding of human development and high performance, and this has proven valuable in supporting clients to make progress toward their ideal vision.

I work with clients to help them reach their full potential through focusing on several key areas:

  • transforming barriers into opportunities
  • evidence-based leadership practice
  • principles of cognitive psychology and emotional intelligence.

In addition to earning my certification as an Advanced Certified Personal & Executive Coach (ACPEC), I became certified in the Leadership Circle Profile, which allows me to work effectively with clients towards leadership development goals. I am also certified in EQ-i 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence Assessment for Leadership) and incorporate emotional intelligence into coaching for greater personal and leadership effectiveness.

In summary, I bring my whole self to the coaching process. We work together to convert your vision into reality.

In my Free Time...

I’m an avid road cyclist, and love cycling with friends to distant locations and share in stimulating conversations over coffee or lunch. During quiet moments, I often engage in reading and yoga but also cherishing time spent with family and close friends. I learn profound lessons about love and life from spending time with Bambi (my dog) and Dori (my cat).

Steven Jones Executive Coach


We empower leaders to pierce through the fog; to find within themselves the Wisdom to navigate and transcend the storm.


We envision a world where we are all lifted above the storms (in our lives, organizations, and communities) through effective and strategic leadership.

We inspire maximum leadership effectiveness by serving:

  • Our Clients: Providing exceptional value and coaching to leaders at all levels
  • Our Partners: Supporting continual growth and learning among our coaches, partners, and employees
  • Our Community: Spreading the powerful impact of coaching and effective leadership to our communities.

Who We are

The pulse symbol is our way of symbolizing who we are as a coaching firm. Your pulse is your heart rate or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse rates vary from person to person.

The pules symbol represents forward learning and the fact that, at Strategic Pulse LLC, Strategy is at the heart of everything we do.


College Of Executive Coaching

Advanced Certified Personal & Executive Coach (ACPEC)

University Of Pennsylvania

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Drexel University College Of Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Neuroscience

Temple University

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience

Inspire Maximum Leadership Effectiveness; Change The World!"

Our Partners