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Coaching Options

Love your life & excel at work 

Are you a leader seeking to enhance personal and professional success?

Our coaching is about helping you achieve the goals and outcomes you desire. We leverage strong expertise in neuroscience, leadership, and proven coaching strategies to achieve desired outcomes and lasting change. 

Our Process is simple


Align your goals for coaching with your vision, values, and strengths


Design a customized coaching plan for reaching your goals, or select from among our pre-designed coaching packages


Implement the coaching plan through one-on-one coaching


Evaluate progress at different time points of the coaching engagement

Coaching often lasts for a minimum of three to six months through weekly or bi-weekly sessions. Our coaching is offered through customized or pre-designed program packages that focus on a range of client needs. Whether you prefer a customized or pre-designed coaching program, we work collaboratively to identify the assumptions, thinking, and behaviors you want to change and how to implement and incorporate those changes into your work and daily life.

Pre-designed coaching programs

What's included:
  • Leadership Circle Profile (360-degree feedback assessment)
  • One 60-90 minute assessment debrief
  • Three months of one-to-one coaching (includes up to twelve 45-minute coaching sessions)
  • Spot Coaching: unlimited email, brief (15 minute) phone calls
  • Midpoint progress evaluations
  • Ongoing progress evaluations every 3-6 months for one year

Leadership Mastery

Leadership makes a difference in the results and life we create. In order to cultivate extraordinary leadership, leaders must know what is expected of them, effectively manage those expectations, and develop the capacity to deliver on the universal promises of leadership: providing direction and meaning, ensuring engagement and accountability, facilitating focus and execution, and maintaining productive relationships to achieve sustained results. Leadership Mastery is for leaders who want to create great results with lower energetic cost. As your leadership coach, I will help you see your blind spots, engage your strengths, and create the impact and vision you want.

Best for executives & senior leaders
Who want to:
  • Improve business performance through enhanced leadership effectiveness
  • Lead their organization or team through a rapidly escalating VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world
  • Build and/or inspire teams more effectively
  • Clarify your vision, purpose, and leadership agenda
  • Enhance personal well-being
What's included:
  • EQ-i 360 Report (360-degree feedback emotional intelligence assessment)
  • One 60-90 minute assessment debrief
  • Values and strengths exploration
  • Three months of one-to-one coaching (includes up to twelve 45-minute coaching sessions)
  • Customized accountability and support
  • Spot Coaching: unlimited email, brief (15 minute) phone calls
  • Midpoint progress evaluations
  • Ongoing progress evaluations every 3-6 months for one year

Peak Performance

There is nothing quite like leading with high emotional intelligence. Growing evidence clearly shows that emotional intelligence is more powerful than knowledge, technical skills, or traditional measures of intelligence for determining individual and leadership effectiveness. High performers and effective leaders typically possess greater than average emotional intelligence. Your ability to be resilient through the storms of life and career and maintain overall well-being is a great indicator of high emotional intelligence. Coaching around emotional intelligence is ideal for improving how you use emotions to:

  • connect with others and communicate effectively
  • make decisions under pressure
  • manage stress, pressure, and conflict while remaining grounded

We will leverage a well-researched emotional intelligence framework (EQ-i 2.0) to enhance your personal performance and leadership impact.

Best for executives & leaders
Who want to:
  • Enhance leadership and personal performance through improving key areas of emotional intelligence
  • Increase resilience and enhance your ability to overcome setbacks
  • Get grounded and increase the quality of their decisions
  • Increase their skills of developing and maintaining mutually satisfying relationships
And who may also want to…
  • Maximize their performance by improving self-confidence and inner strength
  • Improve impulse control and ability to manage rash behaviors and decisions
  • Communicate thoughts and ideas openly while defending personal interest and values in a non-offensive and non-destructive manner
  • Lead with empathy and respect for others
  • Live a richer life by re-engaging their purpose and pursuing personally relevant and meaningful objectives
  • Break through the internal and external barriers that hinder your progress and success
  • Improve overall psychological well-being and positive outlook
What's included:
  • CliftonStrengths34 Assessment
  • One 60-90 minute assessment debrief
  • Appreciative Inquiry (Vision and Focused Strengths)
  • Three months of one-to-one coaching (includes up to twelve 45-minute coaching sessions)
  • Customized accountability and support
  • Midpoint progress evaluations
  • Ongoing progress evaluations every 3-6 months for one year

Maximized Effectiveness

In both life and work, maximizing your potential for success begins with increased self-awareness. We’ll work together to clarify your vision, values, and unique strengths and how you can leverage these qualities to increase energy, creativity, and performance.

Best for leaders or individuals
Who want to:
  • Maximize their potential and start fully living their purpose
  • Conquer mental blocks and behaviors that sabotage high performance
  • Overcome stress and burnout and increase your motivation
  • Navigate a major career or life transition with optimal results
What's included:
  • One 60-90 minute coaching session
  • Appreciative Inquiry (Vision and Focused Strengths)
  • Vision and values exploration
  • Customized accountability and support

Individual Breakthrough Sessions

These single coaching sessions are a great option for laser-focused coaching around a specific topic or issue to create progress toward a goal. We will clarify your challenges, explore barriers, and develop a strategy forward.

Best for leaders or individuals
Who want to:
  • Get unstuck and navigate a challenge more efficiently
  • Discover new ways of moving forward in life or work
  • Benefit from a thought partner around an important topic, issue, or decision

Customized coaching programs

Customized programs are co-designed by the coach and client. The specific assessments and coaching tools used will depend on the goals of the coaching engagement.

Inspire Maximum Leadership Effectiveness; Change The World!"

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