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Increased Self- and Social-Awareness

New Perspective

Enhanced Performance

Whether you seek to accelerate your leadership growth or strengthen current skills, increasing self-awareness is often the first step toward creating the change and impact you want. Assessments can provide leaders insight into not only their strengths and blind spots, but also deeper awareness of the underlying beliefs and thinking that drive their behavior and decisions.

We use the following core assessments:

Leadership circle Profile

The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) provides executives with deep insight into how others experience their leadership. It’s a powerful tool for illuminating the underlying assumptions, thoughts, and emotions that drive behavior. The LCP evaluates two primary domains of leadership: Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies

  • Creative Competencies are well-researched competencies that measure how leaders achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance their own development, act with integrity, and encourage and improve organizational systems.
  • Reactive Tendencies are leadership styles that emphasize caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment. These self-limiting styles overemphasize the focus on gaining the approval of others, protecting oneself, and getting results through high control tactics.

The power of the LCP is that it reveals the internal assumptions (beliefs) that drives behaviors in both domains. This gives leaders insight into how their inner world of thoughts and emotions translate into an effective or ineffective style of leadership. In the end, the leader gains the inner awareness that directs outward behavior.

emotional Intelligence (eQi-2.0 & EQi-360)

We use these assessments because they have been strongly researched and validated. They can also create unique insights that add value to the coaching process.

We also incorporate other assessments, such as Myers-Briggs Type II Indicator (MBTI) and CliftonStrengths, that do not require certification.

To ensure maximum value, additional coaching tools are utilized based on the client’s needs and objectives.

The Leadership Circle 360
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and 360
Inspire Maximum Leadership Effectiveness; Change The World!"

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